As a Communal Social Enterprise who understands and is a result of the current situation, Palenke Greens focuses on supporting communities to co-create as a whole. By learning, adapting and scaling more effective solutions to entrenched social problems, they are making our human and natural systems more adaptive and resilient.

In Victoria, food security continues to be a key concern in our society. Our disconnection to the land has provoked us to rely on international agri-businesses to produce and supply our food. This is why we are working on the Palenke Greens (PG) initiative. Palenke Greens are burlap sack gardens aimed at attracting persons interested in gardening, cultivating the spirit of communal self-reliance and promoting environmental consciousness.
This initiative is a fantastic opportunity for prioritizing all persons of African-descent, those facing food insecurity and have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Particularly, those who may be facing barriers to access to space and garden materials, or are facing barriers to access fresh, locally grown food. PG will go a long way in helping numerous barrier-facing families with some essential greens, in addition to creating a food sharing network.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at